📌 15 Health Idioms 🍏 to be alive and kicking/well = to be well and healthy; to continue to be popular (жив и здоров, полон жизни) 🍏 as fit as a fiddle = healthy, strong and physically fit (здоровый, в хорошей форме) 🍏 as pale as a ghost/as death = extremely pale (очень бледный, бледный как смерть) 🍏 black-and-blue = covered with bruises (в синяках) 🍏 bundle of nerves = a very nervous person (очень нервничающий или напряженный человек, комок нервов) 🍏 to burn oneself out = to do something so long and so intensely that one becomes very tired and almost sick of doing it (вымотаться, дойти до предела) 🍏 to catch/get a cold = to come down with a cold (простудиться) 🍏 check-up = medical examination (медицинский осмотр) 🍏 (head) shrinker = a psychotherapist (психоаналитик, психотерапевт) 🍏 to be in labor = to go through childbirth (быть в родах) 🍏 to go under the knife = to have a medical operation (подвергнуться операции, лечь под нож) 🍏 to pass away = to die (умереть, скончаться) 🍏 to take a sick day = to be absent from work and still receive pay (взять больничный) 🍏 nothing but skin and bones = painfully thin (очень худой, кожа да кости) 🍏 die with one's boots on = A person who dies with their boots on, dies while still leading an active life.

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